
セッション日程・Time Tables


The program is now accessible on the SSJ FM 2024 website. 

セッション一覧・Session List

【一般セッション・Regular Sessions】

S01. 地震の理論・解析法
S02. 地震計測・処理システム
S03. 地殻変動・GNSS・重力
S04. テクトニクス
S05. 地球熱学
S06. 地殻構造
S07. 地球及び惑星の内部構造と物性
S08. 地震発生の物理
S09. 地震活動とその物理
S10. 活断層・歴史地震
S11. 地震に伴う諸現象
S12. 岩石実験・岩石力学・地殻応力
S13. 地殻流体と地震
S14. 地震予知・予測
S15. 強震動・地震災害
S16. 地盤構造・地盤震動
S17. 津波
S18. 地震教育・地震学史
S19. 地震一般・その他
S20. 学会各賞受賞講演会

S01. Theory and analysis method
S02. Seismometry and monitoring system
S03. Crustal deformation, GNSS, and gravity
S04. Tectonics
S05. Geothermal sciences
S06. Crustal structure
S07. Structure and dynamics of the Earth and planetary interiors
S08. Earthquake physics
S09. Statistical seismology and underlying physical processes
S10. Active faults and historical earthquakes
S11. Various phenomena associated with earthquakes
S12. Rock experiment, rock mechanics, and crustal stress
S13. Crustal fluids and earthquake
S14. Earthquake prediction and forecast
S15. Strong ground motion and earthquake disaster
S16. Subsurface structure and its effect on ground motion
S17. Tsunami
S18. Education and history of seismology
S19. Seismology, general contribution
S20. Commemorative lectures from SSJ award recipients

【特別セッション・Special Sessions】

S21. 情報科学との融合による地震研究の加速
S22. 令和6年能登半島地震

S21. Acceleration of seismological research through integration with information science
S22. The 2024 Noto Peninsula Earthquake

【緊急セッション・Late-Breaking Sessions】

S23. 2024年8月8日 日向灘の地震とその影響

S23. The 2024 Hyuga-nada Earthquake and its Effects

セッション詳細・Session scopes

【一般セッション・Regular Sessions】

S01. 地震の理論・解析法
S01. Theory and analysis method


This session widely calls for researches based on mathematical, numerical and theoretical approaches regardless of specific regions such as seismic wave propagation, imaging of subsurface structures and etc. We aim to deepen understanding the theoretical background of phenomena and the method itself based on the mathematical, numerical and theoretical considerations in addition to the proposal of a new analysis method. We also welcome the presentation which focuses on the development of the method as well as the real data analysis.

Session List

S02. 地震計測・処理システム
S02. Seismometry and monitoring system


This session covers scientific and technical issues in seismic monitoring or data processing systems for earthquakes or explosions observation. This includes development or improvement of seismic observation networks, innovative techniques in observation and monitoring, cutting-edge data acquisition and processing techniques in geophysical explorations. Other topics related to geophysical observation are also welcome.

Session List

S03. 地殻変動・GNSS・重力
S03. Crustal deformation, GNSS, and gravity


In this session, we call for a wide range of papers concerned with crustal deformation. Sources of the deformation are expected to be earthquakes, volcanoes, plate motions, and others. Methods vary GNSS, gravity, traditional geodetic observation, and so on. We will discuss both onshore and offshore observations. We welcome studies related to observations and theoretical studies such as the development of analysis methods and simulation.

Session List

S04. テクトニクス
S04. Tectonics


This session widely calls for presentations focused on dynamics and evolution of crust and upper mantle. We welcome theoretical and observational studies for tectonics and its related phenomena covering a broad range of topics including seismology, geophysics, geodesy, geology, volcanology, petrology and geomorphology.

Session List

S05. 地球熱学
S05. Geothermal sciences


This session covers topics related to the estimation and modeling of temperature structures, including the following:
-Development of measurement methods and equipment for crustal heat flow, and measurement results
-Development of measurement methods and equipment for thermophysical properties of rocks and sediments, and measurement results
-Estimation of the temperature structure based on geophysical data (heat flow, geomagnetic anomalies, source distribution, etc.)
-Model of the temperature structure of the subduction zone and ocean plate (theory, numerical calculation)
-Observation and modeling of heat transport by water flow, such as hydrothermal circulation under the seafloor

Session List

S06. 地殻構造
S06. Crustal structure


The aim of this session is to cover seismological and geophysical studies on the Earth’s crust and uppermost mantle. Contribution on seismological and geophysical structure of the crust, processes that develop in the crust which include earthquakes, volcanoes and geological descriptions of the crust are welcomed. We also welcome theoretical and methodological studies that will serve as basics in such explorations.

Session List

S07. 地球及び惑星の内部構造と物性
S07. Structure and dynamics of the Earth and planetary interiors


To better understand the current state and evolution of the Earth and planets, it is essential to deepen our knowledge of their internal structure, dynamics, and physical properties. In this session, we welcome various studies, from global local scales, at various depths from the crust and mantle to the core. In addition to seismological studies, we also welcome a wide range of research topics on the interior structure, dynamics, and physical properties of the Earth and planets, including numerical modeling and experimental studies.

Session List

S08. 地震発生の物理
S08. Earthquake physics


The goal of this session is to integrate theoretical, experimental, observational, and numerical perspectives to define what is known about earthquake source processes and the physical and elementary processes of faulting. This session welcomes studies that address such issues as pre-, co-, and post-seismic processes, laboratory experiments on elementary processes, numerical models based on frictional laws, and estimates of the stress field in the seismogenic zones.

Session List

S09. 地震活動とその物理
S09. Statistical seismology and underlying physical processes


This session aims to improve our understanding on seismicity. Any contribution on behavior of earthquakes as a cluster, such as regional seismicity and aftershocks, are welcomed. We also welcome contribution on temporal and spatial interactions that control seismicity, and tectonic processes, and geological and thermal structures that regulate seismicity.

Session List

S10. 活断層・歴史地震
S10. Active faults and historical earthquakes


This session invites presentations that focuses on past faulting and earthquakes based on Historical science, Archaeology, Tectonic geomorphology, Quaternary geology, and Geophysics. Topics may include: activities and structures of active-fault zones; research methods of pre-historical and historical earthquakes; numerical simulations and theoretical studies for earthquake recurrence model; utilization of the outcomes for seismic hazard assessment and mitigation.

Session List

S11. 地震に伴う諸現象
S11. Various phenomena associated with earthquakes


In the Earth system including the hydrosphere, atmosphere and ionosphere, various phenomena on rheology, electromagnetism, and fluid motion among others are considered to occur with earthquakes and seismic waves. It is expected that the discovery and elucidation of these phenomena will open new windows in seismology. We widely call for presentation and discussion related to above phenomena based on observations, theories, and simulations.

Session List

S12. 岩石実験・岩石力学・地殻応力
S12. Rock experiment, rock mechanics, and crustal stress


This session calls for researches regarding rock experiment toward revealing various properties of rocks, researches on rock mechanics, and researches on crustal stress through direct measurement, observation, or simulation, which are a basis of understanding earthquake generation and seismic wave propagation.

Session List

S13. 地殻流体と地震
S13. Crustal fluids and earthquake

地殻内の浅部から深部にいたる流体とその収支や移動様式の地震・地殻変動現象との関係性の理解およびその物理・化学モデルに関する議論を行う場とする.たとえば,以下のような分野を想定する. (1) 地震発生に関わる領域の流体の状況,地震を含む地殻変動に伴う流体の物質・化学挙動の変化など,いわゆる断層流体物性の分野. (2) 地下水の水位・水圧・水質から多孔質弾性論などを使って地殻変動を推定するための,いわゆる地震地下水の分野. (3) 地殻深部から浅部にいたる流体の同位体的・化学的な特徴を測定し,フラックス定量を試みる,いわゆる地殻流体化学の分野. (4) 変動帯ダイナミクスに関わる水文学・地殻流体の研究分野.

This session will provide an opportunity to discuss about observation and modeling of crustal fluids related to an earthquake and a crustal deformation. Topics of interests include, but not limited to (1) a field of physics and chemistry of fault fluids, which is related to earthquake occurrences and researches physical and chemical changes of the fluids caused by crustal deformation including earthquakes, (2) a field of earthquake hydrology, which estimates crustal deformation from level, pressure and chemistry of groundwater using poroelastic theory, (3) a field of chemistry of crustal fluids, which concerns chemical and isotopic features of the crustal fluids and try to estimate the flux of them, and (4) fields about hydrology and crustal fluids related to dynamics in mobile belts.

Session List

S14. 地震予知・予測
S14. Earthquake prediction and forecast


This session provides the opportunity for presenting researches on prediction or forecasting of earthquake occurrences in wide sense, including times, places, sizes, or source mechanisms. Also, this session welcomes scientific discussions on possible causal relations to some other observation data, forecasting simulations based on theoretical models, developments and applications on statistical evaluation method for the verification of retrospective experiments, etc.

Session List

S15. 強震動・地震災害
S15. Strong ground motion and earthquake disaster


This session widely calls for researches based on theory and observation toward understanding strong ground motions from characteristics of strong ground motions to the source, path, and site effects. We also welcome researches toward mitigating future earthquake disasters, such as strong motion prediction, investigation of earthquake damages and countermeasures against earthquake disaster.

Session List

S16. 地盤構造・地盤震動
S16. Subsurface structure and its effect on ground motion


This session widely calls for research based on theory, experiment, observation, and simulation toward understanding subsurface structure from the seismic bedrock to the surface and its effect on ground motion. We also welcome the presentation on various geophysical surveys and topics related to subsurface structure and ground motion.

Session List

S17. 津波
S17. Tsunami


This session will cover topics related to tsunamis not only due to earthquakes, but also due to other phenomena such as landslide and volcanic activities. We welcome researches for not only understanding processes of tsunami generation and propagation based on theory and observation, but also further developments of theory and observation technology. We also welcome researches for mitigation of future tsunami disasters, such as development of real-time tsunami forecasting method and evaluation of long-term tsunami potential.

Session List

S18. 地震教育・地震学史
S18. Education and history of seismology


This session calls for presentations about the current situation and issues regarding the education of seismology and earthquake disaster prevention and mitigation for students at school or citizens through outreach activities. We also welcome the presentation about the development of teaching materials. We also call for researches about the history of seismology, such as the seismological observation and the analysis method from the past to the present.

Session List

S19. 地震一般・その他
S19. Seismology, general contribution


In this session, we call for papers concerned with scientific research that cannot be categorized into the other sessions. We provide a forum for presentations and discussions on various themes related to seismology.

Session List

S20. 受賞記念講演
S20. Commemorative lectures from SSJ award recipients


In this session The Seismological Society of Japan Award and Young Scientist Award and Technical Development Award recipients of each year give memorial lectures.

Session List

【特別セッション・Special Sessions】

S21. 情報科学との融合による地震研究の加速
S21. Acceleration of seismological research through integration with information science

コンビーナ: 加納 将行(東北大学) 縣 亮一郎(海洋研究開発機構) 寒河江 皓大(産業技術総合研究所) 加藤 慎也(東京大学地震研究所)
Conveners: Masayuki Kano (Tohoku University) Ryoichiro Agata (JAMSTEC) Kodai Sagae(AIST) Shinya Katoh (Earthquake Research Institute, the University of Tokyo)


The remarkable development of information science in recent years has accelerated seismological and earthquake engineering studies, bringing about various technological advancements that utilize Bayesian statistics, AI, and other techniques. This session provides an opportunity for discussion on research integrating information science and seismology. We welcome a wide variety of research presentations, ranging from fundamental theoretical research, development of analytical techniques, and application to real observation data, as well as from basic to advanced research.

Session List

S22. 令和6年能登半島地震
S22. The 2024 Noto Peninsula Earthquake

コンビーナ: 西田究(東京大学) 久保久彦(防災科学技術研究所) 友澤裕介(鹿島建設)
Conveners: Kiwamu Nishida (the University of Tokyo) Hisashiko Kubo (NIED) Yusuke Tomozawa(Kajima Corporation)

2024年1月1日に能登半島北部を震源とするM7.6の地震が発生した。約150 kmの範囲に及ぶ複数の断層破壊によって生じた強震動と津波などによって,建物とインフラへの深刻な被害が広い地域にわたってもたらされた。本セッションでは,M7.6の本震および余震の発生メカニズム,地震動,津波,地殻変動,建物被害,地盤災害,2020年から続く群発地震や能登半島の地質構造,海域活断層との関係など様々な分野からの研究成果を共有し,幅広い観点から議論を行う.

The M 7.6 Noto Peninsula earthquake has occurred on January 1, 2024. Strong ground motion and tsunami caused by multiple fault ruptures over an area of approximately 150 km resulted in severe damage to buildings and infrastructure over a wide area. In this session, we will gather research results from various fields, including the mechanism of the M7.6 mainshock and its aftershocks, seismic ground motion, tsunami, crustal deformation, building damage, geotechnical disaster, and the relationship with the earthquake swarm that has continued since 2020, the geological structure of the Noto Peninsula, and active faults in the sea areas, and discuss them from a wide range of viewpoints.

Session List

S23. 2024年8月8日 日向灘の地震とその影響
S23. The 2024 Hyuga-nada Earthquake and its Effects

コンビーナ: 西田究(東京大学) 久保久彦(防災科学技術研究所) 友澤裕介(鹿島建設)
Conveners: Kiwamu Nishida (the University of Tokyo) Hisashiko Kubo (NIED) Yusuke Tomozawa(Kajima Corporation)


On August 8, 2024, a plate boundary earthquake of M7.1 occurred in Hyuga-nada accompanied by strong ground motion with a maximum seismic intensity of 6- on the JMA scale and tsunami with a height of several tens of centimetres. Following the occurrence of this event, the Nankai Trough Temporary Information (Great Earthquake Warning) was issued for the first time. In this session, we will gather a wide range of presentations on the analysis of the 2024 Hyuga-nada earthquake and the Nankai Trough Temporary Information.

Session List